Re: What little boys are made ofPosted by glo on March 29, 2001 at 13:04:12: In Reply to: What little boys are made of posted by Peter Pawinski on March 28, 2001 at 07:25:51: What are little boys made of, made of? This is only of the stanzas connected with "What Are Folks Make Of" - which has accumulated 13 stanzas: babies, boys, girls, young men, young women,sailors, soldiers, nurses, fathers, mothers, old men, old women, all folks. As with many Mother Goose rhymes, various publishers have printed various versions - of varying lengths. Though no proof exists, the belief persists that the "boys" and "young women" stanzas were written by English poet and historian Robert Southey, at about 1820. Halliwell collected a version in 1842. For more details and the entire 13 stanzas, see "Mother Goose: from Nursery to Literature" by Gloria T. Delamar. Followups:
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