Re: trying to locate a rhymePosted by Jon Cahill on November 06, 2003 at 08:53:08: In Reply to: Re: trying to locate a rhyme posted by Virginia on July 25, 2002 at 19:55:44: "Boy with the crooked knee" - I was recently reviewing websites devoted to the "Alice and Jerry" childrens books, used to teach reading in the elementary schools. These books were popular in the 1940's, 50's and somewhat later, as I recall with great nostalgia reading them as a student at my elementary school in the early 1960's. I have always remembered (IF my memory serves me correctly!??) that, in one of the more "advanced" books (4th-5th grade level?), a pioneer boy recites PART of a poem, saying "He's dead and gone, he'll play no more, the boy with the crooked knee!" For some reason I have always remembered that bizarre and morose poem fragment, wondering why it was included in a children's book. Don't know if it is in any way related to the poem cited in the other follow-ups... Followups:
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